The ‘Walking Arts Research Group’ at Sheffield Hallam University provides a collaborative space for the investigation of cross-practice creative production linked to a range of walking practices.
The inclusive Walking Arts Research Group has become a forum for practice and reflection, where the group acts as a vessel, enabling individuals and collaborations to generate their own areas of research interest. The benefits of group research are more than just the individual research outputs. Conversations have been playful and inventive. Trust, respect and understanding has developed between colleagues as well as the obvious aspects of well-being associated with walking.
The positive impact of walking among the academic staff team has been noted, especially a sense of group cohesion. We aim to extend this practice to include students on our courses to provide a alternative setting for interaction between staff and students without the classroom hierarchy and with the benefits of being outdoors with an attitude of creative play.
This site holds an archive of walks undertaken including routes, photographs and art work produced. As well as showcasing the work produced by the group, we wish to encourage walking by sharing routes and advertising future walks.

The Walking Arts Research Group is supported by:

News and Events
WALK OUT: Exhibition from the Walking Arts Research Group
Sheffield Institute of Arts at Persistance Works
30th November - 15th December 2018
This exhibition showcases the ongoing research and practice created by the Walking Arts Research Group, which has been funded by Sheffield Hallam University. Our expected audience would be both research and teaching, as well as the general public.
Visit Sheffield Institute of Arts page for this event HERE

Image from Susannah Gent's '5 Walks'