Walks - 2015
Kettlewell to Starbottom, Wharfedale, North Yorkshire.
Lady's Bridge to Tinsley, Sheffield.
Black Forest, Germany
Our first overseas residential took place in July 2015 to the Black Forest in Germany.

For each of the five days we were there, we walked out from our lodge exploring different parts of the surrounding landscape.

Walks took us across high pastures, along forest tracks and through dense woodland

Communal cooking, eating and relaxing provided opportunity for discussion, debate and collaboartive thinking.

Whirlow to Wyming, South Yorkshire.
Catch a bus to Whirlow Hall (Ecclesall Road A 625). Walk up the drive to the hall. Take the path to the right to join the woods behind the hall picking up the path along Limb Brook. Exit through field onto Sheephill Road. Turn right to meet Ringinglow Road, then briefly right, to pick up the footpath to Porter Brook. Join Clough Lane, turn right to cross the brook by road then take the footpath with the brook on your left until you reach Fulwood Lane. Turn right and continue along Fulwood Lane for about 1km then pick up the footpath on the left that takes you to Redmires reservoirs. Turn left onto Soughley lane to meet Redmires Road then turn left. In about 100m turn right into the car park of Wyming Brook nature reserve. Turn left and take the path across the field to the stepping stones then down along the brook until it reaches Rivelin reservoir. Back track towards Wyming Brook returning along the top path looking down on the brook. Exit via the car park onto Redmires Road where busses can be caught. The Three Merry Lads pub is 5 mins from the car park.